Monday 21 November 2011

Is Tom Cruise Jewish?

Tom Cruise is not Jewish.

The actor is of German, Irish, and English ancestry. Tom Cruise grew up in a Catholic family. He briefly attended a Franciscan seminary in Cincinnati on a church scholarship and aspired to become a Catholic priest. Today, he is famously known as a follower of the Church of Scientology.

Is Tom Cruise Jewish

Friday 18 November 2011

Is Sarah Silverman Jewish?

Yes, Sarah Silverman is Jewish. Sarah Silverman, the youngest of four daughters, was born in Bedford, New Hampshire. Both of her parents are Jewish. Sarah Silverman has an older sister who is a Reform rabbi and lives with her husband and their children in Israel. While she wasn't raised in a traditional Jewish household, she has spoken about being a proud member of the Jewish people and has embraced her Jewishness (or in her words: "Jewy-ness").

Sarah Silverman spoke to Piers Morgan about her Jewish identity and later restated it in an interview for Boston University's Elie Weisel Center for Judaic Studies alongside her sister Rabbi Susan Silverman. She said, "I don't have religion personally. But I'm Jewish in that it's in my bones."

Is Sarah Silverman Jewish

Sunday 13 November 2011

Is Benjamin Millepied Jewish?

Is Benjamin Millepied Jewish? That seems to be the question everyone wants to know. Natalie Portman, the Jewish actress with Israeli roots who started dating the French Millepied during filming of the film "Black Swan," plans to marry Benjamin Millepied in the near future. The two became parents of a baby son named Aleph in 2011.

Benjamin Millepied was not born Jewish according to reports, however it is rumored that he converted to Judaism before the couple's August 2012 wedding. The wedding was reported to be a Jewish ceremony and took place in a private residence in Sag Harbor, NY.

Is Benjamin Millepied Jewish