Thursday 16 February 2012

Is Drake Jewish?

Yes, Drake is a Jew. The rapper Drake was born Aubrey Drake Graham in 1986.

Drake's mother is Jewish. Drake's father is Dennis Graham, an African American man who is not Jewish. Dennis Graham was a drummer for Jerry Lee Lewis. Drake's mother, Sandi Graham, was a teacher. Drake's parents divorced when he was five years old and he was raised by his mother.

Is Drake Jewish

Drake attended a Jewish day school and had a Bar Mitzvah. In October 2011, Drake celebrated a second bar mitzvah at Temple Israel in Miami where he filmed the music video for his song "HYFR" (released in April 2012).

Matisyahu once said about Drake, "He's Jewish, but he's not representing Judaism. He happens to be Jewish just like Bob Dylan happened to be Jewish, but what I'm doing is really tapping into my roots and culture, and trying to blend that with the mainstream... Drake's being Jewish is just a by-product."

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