Monday 20 February 2012

Is Lindsay Lohan Jewish?

Lindsay Lohan is not Jewish.  Lindsay Lohan was raised a Catholic and is of Irish and Italian descent.  Lindsay Lohan's father, Michael, and mother, Donata "Dina", divorced in 2007.

Lindsay Lohan appeared in the American Jewish World Service promotional video in 2010.

Lindsay Lohan, born in 1986, began her career in 1989 at the tender age of three years old.  She is known to have some Jewish friends and has shown some interest in the Jewish religion, especially through Kabbalah.

In 2009, rumors spread that Lindsay Lohan was converting to Judaism in a bid to prove her devotion to her then Jewish girlfriend Samantha Ronson. In 2010, Lindsay Lohan dated Israeli Eilat Anschel, who is Jewish.

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