Tuesday 19 June 2012

Is Leona Helmsley Jewish?

Leona Helmsley was Jewish. Leona Helmsley was born Lena Mindy Rosenthal.

Both of her parents were Polish Jewish immigrants. Her father was a hatmaker. She was born in Marbletown, New York.

Her family moved to Brooklyn while she was still a girl, and moved six more times before settling in Manhattan. She dropped out of Abraham Lincoln High School to seek her fortune.[3] In a short time, she changed her name several times—from Lee Roberts, Mindy Roberts and Leni Roberts. Eventually, she decided on Leona Mindy Roberts.

According to her Wikipedia entry, her first husband was attorney Leo Panzirer, whom she divorced in 1952. Their only son was Jay (1940–1982), who had four children with his wife, Mimi. Leona was twice married to and divorced from her second husband, garment industry executive Joseph Lubin. After a brief stint at a sewing factory, she joined a New York real estate firm, where she eventually became vice-president.

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